Kappa Phi Lambda was founded on March 9th, 1995 at Binghamton University by seven founding mothers:
Elizabeth Choi *Wizard*,
Karen Eng *Ladybug*,
Rei Hirasawa *Energizer*,
Hee Cho Moon *Hobbes*,
Chae Yoo *Huckleberry*,
Samantha Somchanhmavong *Homer*,
Connie Yang *Kool Aid*.
These seven inspirational women came together with a unified vision and goal of providing women the chance to use their pride in their heritage to become leaders of society and give back to their communities. Their belief that there was a need for an organization that could give inspiration and education to its community led to the creation of the Sorority today, Kappa Phi Lambda.
The founding mothers strove to lay down the foundation of what was to become a unique and innovative organization. They set out to create a sorority that would not only unite young women of diverse heritages, but also inspire them to make use of their strength and intelligence to become future leaders bearing innovational legacies. Since then, Kappa Phi Lambda has become one of the strongest and fastest growing Asian-Interest sororities in the nation with a total of 36 locations across the United States. The mission set forth by the founding mothers is followed closely nationally by all Sxsters, abiding by the Sorority's foundational pillars and symbols.
On November 10th, 2012, the Kappa Phi Lambda Sorority Inc. at North Carolina State University was successfully chartered by eleven hardworking women:
#2 Quynh Tran *Skylite*,
#3 Crystal Tsang *Effusion*,
#4 Nancy Xiong *Áine*,
#5 Janet Nguyen *Deity*,
#6 Rosie Dang *Belvedere*,
#7 Diana Do *Veracity*,
#8 Wendy Yan *Ladurêe*,
#9 Christina Norton *MasterMind*,
#10 Dorothy Dai *Amnesia*,
#11 Jennifer Jung *Delirium*,
#12 Denise Suter *Utena*.
Bonded by a common goal of establishing an organization that brings together cultural awareness with the potential for nurturing and developing successful leaders, these eleven women brought to their school a Sisterhood that focuses on service, cultural diversity, and academic excellence, making them the first and only Asian-American Interest Sorority on campus.
On January 14th, 2018, we officially became the Alpha Epsilon Chapter of Kappa Phi Lambda Sorority Incorporated.